
Missouri FFA has worked with MU CAFNR, MU Parking, MU PD and MU Athletics on the following plan and we request you follow this plan to avoid any additional parking fees (we do pay a flat fee to MU for Parking during our event) to our FFA Association in regards to our event this year and in the future.

  • There is a priority order we ask you follow on the map linked above.
  • Please share with your parents and guests so potential concerns can be kept to a minimum.

As the number of students attending the university increases, the area around Hearnes/MU Sports Park, Trowbridge, etc. is being used full time for parking. Please follow these instructions.

  1. As you register with Kathy and Tracy at our Registration Desk WITH your attendance numbers please also include the number of busses and an ESTIMATE of other vehicles from your chapter attending in 2024. These numbers are needed to work with MU parking and PD in regard to our future events. Thank you!
  2. If you chose to park where ever you chose – you risk the chance of being blocked in and may not be able to get your bus out of the parking area. We are only trying to avoid these issues in advance and be respectful of the other activities occurring on the campus.
  3. There will be a MU Softball game on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The game is scheduled to start at 5:00pm so the afternoon and early evening on Wednesday, April 17th will be impacted. Starting Wednesday afternoon there should not be any of our attendees (students, parents, guests, vans or busses) in Parking Lot K – this lot is for Tiger Scholarship Fund Donors for the Softball game.
  4. Parking around Trowbridge Livestock Center is always a challenge. Please drop off your students and move vehicles (both cars and busses) to AV-14B if you need to stay as a proctor. There is map attached titled “ Trowbridge and ASRC Parking Map-2024”.
    1. This year due to changes in locations of CDE and procedures for the CDE’s, Advisors are to drop of students outside Trowbridge and there will be ambassadors to direct them to their registration site for their CDE. Advisors are not to accompany their teams to the registration table.
    2. The CDE Schedule posted on the website has information related to registration time, approx. time of CDE and where the students will be returned after the completion of respective CDE.
    3. Please pay attention to no parking signs and orange cones that Avery’s staff are going to use and DO NOT BLOCK in the CDE Busses or Career Show Shuttles using this location.
      There will be busses leaving Trowbridge for Soils, Forestry and Horses.
  5. We want all the buses to park in Parking Lot RP-10 or Truman’s Landing which is down by the MU Research Reactor. We will be providing a Shuttle for the driver and/or you the advisor back to the top of the hill around Hearnes. Please see Bus Drop Off and Parking Map – 2024, which includes the preferred travel route to the parking lot.
    1. The shuttle will be a 14 passenger shuttle from MO-X. This is not for your students but for the drivers and advisors.This shuttle schedule is:
      i. Wednesday April 17 – 4pm to 10pm.
      ii. Thursday April 18 – 10 am – 10 pm.
      iii. Friday April 19 – 8 am – 8pm.
      iv. The route of the this shuttle is also in the attachment “Bus Drop Off and Parking Map – 2024” Each round trip will take approx. 15-20 minutes for planning purposes.
    2. You can drop of your students next to Hearnes – But you will need to follow the attached map for the bus travel route. There is not room to turn around and drop off should be timely. We plan to have parking attendants to assist you dependent on availability.
  6. Workshops will be going on in Hampton Inn again. – For those walking from Hearnes there is a sidewalk along the north side of the softball stadium to get you to the intersection north of the General Services building. The North side of Hampton Inn will be open to access the meeting rooms. There is not Bus room at Hampton Inn. See map titled “FFA Workshops and Food Truck locations – 2024”
  7. There is a plan to have Food Trucks on Thursday and Friday at Hearnes to help with meal plans for your students. Please see location on map titled “FFA Workshops and Food Truck locations – 2024”.
  8. This year the Friday Career Show will be held in Trowbridge. Also on Friday, Trowbridge will also be the site for registration of many of our CDE’s along with the Educational Experience (tours) starting and ending at Trowbridge. There is limited availability for educational experiences and there will be sign up through information you will receive from Teresa Briscoe about convention. With all of this being said we have developed a Career Show Shuttle on Friday from Truman Landing (RP-10) to Hearnes to Trowbridge and back again. This shuttle system should help with the new location of the Career Show and education experiences on Friday.Our expectations for Friday of Career Show:
    1. Career Show is scheduled for 9 am till 2pm and 2-3 food trucks will be at Trowbridge on Friday. Due to Career Show Set Up, CDE check in along with the timing of those CDE leaving Trowbridge we DO NOT WANT anyone to arrive to Trowbridge for the career show prior to 8:45 am. That is the reason for the below shuttle times.
    2. Busses should park at Truman Landing (RP10) and other vehicles park in the priority lots in Hearnes according to attachment “FFA Parking Lots for Parents and Guests 2024”.
    3. Advisors and Students should ride the shuttle from Truman landing and Hearnes to Trowbridge. Schedule of shuttles below and refer to Career Show Map for other info. Once again the reason is — parking at Trowbridge is VERY limited.
    4. Route and schedule of the Career Show Shuttle.
      8:30 AM – 10:00 AM: We will have 6 – 40 passengers busses starting at Truman Landing to Hearnes (west side) to Trowbridge and back again.
      10:00 AM – 3:00 PM: We will then have 3 – 40 passengers busses starting at Truman Landing to Hearnes (west side) to Trowbridge and back again.
    5. All students should be back from Trowbridge between 2pm and 3pm.
    6. The Friday Afternoon schedule at Hearnes has a Talent Review starting at 2:45pm followed by a Chorus Concert starts at 3:30pm with the 5th session starting at 4:00pm.